Apr 17, 2009


I feel confident to proclaim that spring has arrived in Edmonton. The weather forecast no longer suggests temperatures below zero. There's talk of light snow tomorrow, but I'm ignoring it. I'm choosing to focus on the fact that I have been wearing light jackets all week. How glorious it is to rid oneself of the confines of a drab down parka!

In honour of the season, here are some beautiful photographs from Kari Herer to celebrate the newness and sense of renewal spring brings. For me, spring conjures up images of vibrant Dutch tulip fields, fuzzy yellow chicks, crocuses poking their heads up from muddy lawns and pasty exposed knees below flouncy floral skirts. Right now is the time when there's promise that summer is around the corner. Spring is a farewell celebration to the arctic dessert that is Edmonton from December to March.

Spring means cleaning, removing snow tires, filing taxes and weeding unkempt flowerbeds. There are herbs to plant, bulbs to water, and soon lawns to cut. I enjoy reacquainting myself with the outdoors after hibernating inside with artificial heating during the winter.

Spring is also a great time to think about what you want in your life. It is a fun time to look ahead to the hazy days of summer and the harvest moons of fall.

I'm a spring baby so perhaps that explains why I associate the season with newness and beginnings. Spring, you've been a long time coming and I'm happy to see that you've finally arrived. I'll be celebrating your warmer temperatures and sunny evenings tonight at the Sugar Bowl.

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