Mar 22, 2010


Greg and I have life doppelgangers. They live around the corner from us. Literally. We have the same names (i.e. Greg and Katie, and Greg and Katie), a similar age difference, and seemingly common lifestyle. However, another surprising connection hit home this past week when we met on the street corner while on an after work walk. Greg and Katie and their brood of kids (four to be exact) stopped to say hello and revel in the beautiful sunny evening. Before parting ways, they called to their son who was running ahead. His name is Thomas. He's precious. Once they were all around the corner, Greg and I looked at each other. We've floated the name Thomas as a potential for a future son! This moves well beyond a coincidence! In fact, I think this couple is more than a life doppelganger, they seem to be our vardoger. It is as if we can experience our life before its even happened. Image via Dalla.


  1. You and Greg are going to be the cutest Katie and Greg parents though!


  2. Aww thanks Karen! We'll try... when the time comes ;)
