Dec 23, 2009


While living in Edmonton last year, I regularly visited the library and devoured books at the rate of about one a week. I thoroughly enjoyed spending my lunch hours combing the stacks for a tantalizing read. The Snapper by Roddy Doyle stands out as one of my favourites from that period (I've long loved his work which was spurred by reading The Woman Who Walked Into Doors in the twelfth grade). Now that we're living in St. John's, I haven't made much time to read, let alone to get a library card. Shame on me... particularly as there is a library within walking distance from my office here as well. My commute is now car based, not train based, so reading on the way to work is a luxury I've foregone. I miss it.

In thinking about the forthcoming new year, I must read more. Cereal boxes and Globe and Mail headlines barely count. That I spend a large chuck of my work day reading is besides the point - reading for pleasure is a luxury that I need to fight for. I'm back on to my plan of reading one book per week. Here's to starting New Years' Resolutions early!

Speaking of which, this great overdue book calendar makes my day. I'm feeling overwhelmed by the web these days, and all its expectations of me, so writing with a pen, and noting my schedule that way, seems quite refreshing.

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